Finance & Management Studies 2024-05-11T18:06:59+03:00 Dr. Aisha Khan Open Journal Systems <p>The Journal serves as a global platform for the prompt exchange and discussion of research findings in the areas of Social Sciences and Economics, spanning many levels including primary, provincial, national, and international. Additionally, the research is looking for comments and distinctive opinion articles or evaluations of issues and events that are pertinent to the relevant domains of concern. The opinions expressed in the Journal are those of the authors and are derived from their own research and analysis. It is important to note that these opinions may not necessarily align with the actual study conducted. The objective is to provide a venue for researchers, academics, professionals, practitioners, and scholars to share and exchange knowledge through high-quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews, and book reviews. The Journal publishes original papers that encompass a broad spectrum of subjects, encompassing socioeconomic, political, and sustainable development objectives. The Journal covers a wide range of themes including constitutional and justice law review, social sciences, political science, sociology, social work, anthropology, criminology, international relations, religious studies, Pakistan studies, history, and law. Contributions based on empirical research are preferred. Nevertheless, publications include book reviews and theoretical studies that are highly significant and applicable, along with the efforts of social scientists. The Journal serves as a global platform for the exchange and rapid distribution of research discoveries in the fields of Economics, Finance, and Social Sciences, encompassing all levels of study, from local to regional, national, and global. Additionally, it welcomes essays and distinctive opinion articles or evaluations of subjects and events that are pertinent to the relevant disciplines. The opinions expressed in the Journal are those of the authors, derived from their own research and analysis.</p> Investigating the Influence of Financial Literacy and Supply Chain Management on the Financial Performance and Sustainability of SMEs 2024-05-10T17:39:44+03:00 Babar Hussain Asghar Ali <p>The objective of this research is to examine the correlation between financial literacy and financial performance, the correlation between financial literacy and the sustainability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and the correlation between supply chain management and financial performance. The relationship between supply chain management and the sustainability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as the connection between financial success and the sustainability of SMEs. The research employed a quantitative survey approach, wherein data was collected by administering online questionnaires to 740 small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) owners in Indonesia. The user employed structural equation modeling (SEM) using SmartPLS 3.0 software tools for data analysis. The three steps of data analysis are validity, reliability, and significance tests. The sample approach employed is nonprobability sampling. The survey employed in this investigation utilizes the Google form, which was disseminated to participants. The measurement method for this questionnaire employs a 5-point Likert scale, consisting of the following categories: Strongly Disagree (STS), Disagree (TS), Neutral (N), Agree (S), and Strongly Agree (SS). The factors that were manipulated and controlled in this study are as follows: The study focuses on financial literacy and supply chain management as independent variables, whereas sustainability and financial performance are the dependent variables. The findings of this study demonstrate that financial literacy positively and significantly influenced financial performance and sustainability. Additionally, supply chain management also had a positive and significant impact on both financial performance and sustainability. Furthermore, financial performance was found to have a positive and significant effect on sustainability. The novelty of this research is in the discovery of a correlation model that establishes the relationship between the variables of financial literacy, supply chain management, financial performance, and sustainability in SMEs. This model was not before identified in any other research studies.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Financial literacy Supply chain management financial performance Sustainability SMEs</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Finance & Management Studies Predicting Financial Failure and its Impact on Reducing Financial Risks the Mediating Role of the Financial Analysis Models 2024-05-11T17:29:07+03:00 Asim Iqbal Khattak Sabir Ullah <p>This particular investigation was conducted with the intention of elucidating the forecast of financial failure.&nbsp; In addition to this, it aimed to ascertain the manner in which the prediction of financial failure influenced the financial risks. Additionally, the mediation function of the financial analysis models was investigated as part of this study.&nbsp; Following discussion, it was determined to employ the descriptive analytical method.&nbsp; In the current study, the researcher utilized the Kida Model to investigate the financial records of five Jordanian public joint stock companies that had either been liquidated or were in the process of being liquidated for the three years preceding to their liquidation.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In his research, he found that financial models, such as the Kida Model, can be utilized to make predictions on the possibility of a company experiencing a financial catastrophe. It is his suggestion that publicly traded joint stock companies should be required to measure the indicators of financial collapse on a regular basis. This is the action that needs to be taken in order to assist businesses in remaining out of the red.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp; Predicting financial failure, financial risks, financial analysis models.</p> 2023-08-11T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Finance & Management Studies Improved Financial Stress Prediction using a Network Analysis and Machine Learning Hybrid Model 2024-05-11T17:37:56+03:00 Amir Iqbal Waseem Ullah <p>Anticipating financial hardship is a crucial aspect of financial planning, especially given the current state of uncertainty. This study integrates machine learning and network analysis methodologies to present a new way for predicting financial distress. By employing this methodology, two networks of organisations are formed based on the extent to which their primary financial indicators are similar and interconnected. Unlike the second network, the first network showcases similarity in five distinct attributes rather than just one. During the next stage, seven network-centric attributes are retrieved and then added to the dataset as additional variables. Furthermore, cluster firms undergo community detection techniques, and the resulting labels from these algorithms are included in the cluster as categorical variables. By employing this process, a revised dataset will be generated that incorporates both original and network-derived characteristics. Financial strain can be predicted in three scenarios by using five classification algorithms. During model training, only the initial attributes are utilised at the beginning. The combination of network-centric information from correlation and similarity networks in later instances leads to an enhanced accuracy in the prediction of machine learning models. The improvement can be largely attributed to the capabilities of the similarity network. Moreover, the proposed model has a remarkable predictive ability and offers a comprehensive comprehension of the dynamic interactions among financial institutions. The findings offer policymakers valuable information and demonstrate the efficacy of network-based tactics in constructing predictive models for financial distress.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Financial Distress Prediction, Financial Analysis, Network-based Analysis, Machine Learning, Classification, Community Detection</p> 2023-08-24T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Finance & Management Studies Financial Inclusion's Effects on Asia's GDP, Poverty, Income Inequality, and Stability 2024-05-11T18:00:45+03:00 Abid Hussain Muhammad Ali <p>Several countries have prioritized the inclusion of financial services on their policy agendas to promote sustainable development and enhance the well-being of their citizens. The aim of this research is to determine how financial inclusion impacts the stability of the financial system, income distribution, poverty levels, and economic growth rates in various Asian countries. Financial inclusion is quantified using three criteria. The criteria include banking penetration, accessibility of banking services, and consumption of banking services. Both the Gini coefficient and the poverty ratio, which measures the proportion of people falling below the federal poverty limit, serve as indicators for assessing poverty and economic inequality. The Z-score and the percentage of nonperforming loans are two indicators used to assess a bank's financial stability. The hypothesis test findings reveal that all aspects of financial stability significantly influence economic growth, poverty, and income inequality simultaneously. Additionally, they exert a significant influence on the stability of financial systems. However, the financial inclusion characteristic has had a limited impact on economic growth, income inequality, poverty alleviation, and financial stability in eleven Asian nations. When formulating plans to expand financial inclusion, it is incumbent upon governments of all nations to thoroughly examine and incorporate the findings obtained from the study. Only when this prerequisite is fulfilled, will policies aimed at promoting sustainable growth and enhancing public welfare be put into effect.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Financial Inclusion, Economic Growth, Poverty, Income Inequality, Financial Stability</p> 2023-09-18T00:00:00+03:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Finance & Management Studies Digital Financial Literacy, Financial Behavior, and Financial Well-being of Women in Pakistan 2024-05-11T18:06:59+03:00 Sana Javed Amna Khan <p><em>Digital financial literacy (DFL) plays a pivotal role in shaping financial behavior and enhancing financial well-being, especially among women in developing countries like Pakistan. This article explores the intricate relationship between DFL, financial behavior, and financial well-being among Pakistani women. It delves into how increased access to digital financial services and knowledge impacts women's financial decisions and their overall economic empowerment. Through a comprehensive literature review and analysis of recent studies, this paper highlights the challenges and opportunities in promoting DFL among women in Pakistan, proposing strategic interventions to improve their financial literacy and, consequently, their financial well-being.</em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Finance & Management Studies